SOS – Avvertite dolori fisici, e un vuoto interiore? Non temere, non cedere, tutto è come dev’essere.
Molti stanno sperimentando un aumento sproporzionato di stanchezza e dolori fisici, in particolare nelle gambe e piedi, facendo sentire a molti: sfiniti, senza scopo e molto più vecchi dell’età anagrafica. Questo particolare sintomo è dovuto al profondo radicamento a terra, la ricezione delle nuove frequenze e del cambio dell’ energia del pianeta. Per quanto tempo i sintomi durano non c’è una risposta semplice, dipende dal nostro processo, la qualità di ciò che si muove attraverso di noi, e la capacità di essere con essa nel presente, senza giudizi, semplicemente accettando senza cadere nell’attaccamento.
L’energia che sale e scende *
La Terra, tramite i poli Nord e Sud, mantiene l’energia terrestre “magnetizzate”. In un essere umano con un corpo sano, il sistema energetico circola in un’onda che sale e scende muovendosi fra le polarità opposte; questo movimento ha l’effetto di magnetizzare l’energia, facendola spostare fra i due poli, ovvero, il primo e il settimo chakra. Senza polarità non ci sarebbe movimento, senza un movimento energetico, non ci sarebbe la vita.
Il magnetismo della terra si sta indebolendo, i ritmi della nostra Madre Terra sono diventati oramai, imprevedibile. Come una presa elettrica, le gambe e piede sono le prolunghe che congiungono il corpo alla terra creando una forte percezione di radicamento. Prima che la nuova energia posa fluire verso l’alto, deve poter scorrere in giù, verso le radici della coscienza: quando essa non scende facilmente è difficile che salga in modo diverso, perciò questo chakra è il primo gradino verso l’alto.
Anche se è difficile, non è il momento per cedere. L’energia precedente era più orientata verso il “sacrificio”, la ricerca personale è stata un impegno per raggiungere la massa critica, per il bene dell’umanità, ora, spetta a ciascuno di diventare “Self Sovereign” (sovrani di noi stessi) in grado di “sentirci”, per quanto doloroso, consapevolmente nel qui e ora, che guarda caso: amplifica il “sentire” nel centro del cuore e di conseguenza, il vuoto diventa più percepibile.
Dopo anni di ricerca e lavoro su di sé, il senso di “vuoto” è la conseguenza del processo di svuotamento della nostra tazza.
Conoscete questa storia Zen?
Nan-in, un maestro giapponese dell’era Meiji (1868-1912) servì il tè a un professore universitario che era andato da lui per interrogarlo sullo Zen.
Nan-in servì il tè. Colmò la tazza del suo ospite, e continuò a versare.
Il professore, non riuscì a contenersi “ E’ colmo. Non entra più il tè!”
“Tu sei ricolmo delle tue opinioni e congetture, come questa tazza”, disse Nan-in “ Come posso spiegarti lo Zen, se prima non vuoti la tua tazza?”
E’ ora di gioire dello spazio che finalmente nasce dentro di noi.*
Il non manifesto permea questo mondo anche se in modo silenzioso, e nonostante la sua apparente assenza, non è separato dal manifesto, ma quando si vive esclusivamente sulla superficie dei primi tre chakra, inconsapevoli anche dei loro corrispondenti corpi sottili, il non manifesto, o meglio l’esistenza sottile, è cosi camuffato che quasi nessuno se ne accorge.
I fisici ora; ci dicono che la solidità della materia è un’ illusione. Da migliaia di anni, un noto testo buddhista, il Sutra del Cuore, afferma “ La forma è vuoto, il vuoto è forma”. L’assenza di tutte le cose è il vuoto, il nulla permea l’intero universo come spazio, interiore ed esteriore.
Non si può capire lo spazio perché non appare, invece tramite il quarto chakra e il suo corpo sottile, il primo passo è prestare attenzione al vuoto, per esempio fra un suono e l’altro, ascoltare le pause fra una nota musicale e l’altra, le pause fra i pensieri, il vuoto tra l’inspirazione e l’espirazione, così facendo, dentro di noi cresce la dimensione del silenzio importante tanto quanto il suono. Il salto quantico nel centro del cuore energetico e del corpo sottile, avviene quando si “svuota la tazza” e la tranquilla vastità dello spazio (vuoto) che consente all’universo di esistere, è sentita anche dentro di noi.
A volta, a cause dell’ego, ci manca la sottigliezza, la capacità di andare oltre, ma quando nasce quella sensibilità, è attraverso il vuoto che TUTTO diventa possibile, incluso la trasformazione delle trace energetiche rimaste nascoste e represse nei primi tre centri e nei loro corpi sottili che ciclicamente ritornano. Il vuoto del cuore possiede la naturale capacità di portare rilassamento e ringiovanimento, e soprattutto il potere alchemico di trasformare e sanare i corpi sottili e loro corrispettivi chakra.
Avvertite dolori fisici, e un vuoto interiore?
Non temere, non cedere, tutto è come dev’essere, e se ci fosse un dubbio, un controllo medico vi toglie ogni pensiero. Rimane presente nel cuore, e con il corpo. Ora è il momento di offrirle più amore, cura, comprensione, pazienza, spazio e accettazione perché una qualità che ci può aiutare a radicare nella nuova energia, è la consapevolezza dei nuovi ritmi – i nostri.
La vita è un dono, un viaggio di condivisione e collaborazione e va sperimentata e vissuta pienamente; la mente razionale vorrebbe sapere dove siamo diretti, ma per la crescita personale il traguardo non è mai importante, ciò che conta è sempre il viaggio.
*Brani del libro “Radicarsi nel Corpo, la via verso un campo energetico equilibrato”.
I miei libri@
The magical properties of negativity
After years of digging deep, now is the time to put “ the negative “force within ourselves, to work at our advantage.
Negativity is usually seen as the undesirable half of the couple of opposing polarities, and in recent years, a spiritual version of the law of attraction, ‘like attracts like’, a new philosophy that proposes the idea that to influence and transform our reality, focusing on positive thoughts rather than negative ones only emphasized our aversion for our darker nature. After the initial wave of enthusiasm, many lost faith through the lack of rapid results, while others ridiculed the procedure proclaiming the impossibility to achieve a state of lure through similarities, because, comparable to ferromagnetic materials, attraction is accomplished through opposite polarities which will result in repulsion, when two equal magnetic poles resist. This simplified concept of the law of attraction, as a means of personal growth can be a little confusing, because depending on the perspective, both parties appear to be correct.
Most people who attempt the approach of like attracts like do so, because of a strong desire to change their lives usually due to a displeasing predicament; which is of course understandable.
Desire for change however, may be piloted by a reaction response to a lack of/or non-acceptance of what is. Consequently, in the hope of changing any unwanted circumstance, desiring to attract a more positive life from the outside reality, the law of attraction (in the opposites attract version) is attracted to an unconscious negative mindset inside our system, which is usually an idea of pessimistic unworthiness.
Positive desire for change + Negative mindset = opposite polarities that attract
The unyielding unconscious negative mindset, which occupies more space in our energetic system, now becomes (unconsciously) the predominate polarity reinforcing and sustaining the unwanted circumstances. As far as any positive change is concerned, a negative ‘like attracts like’, or more appropriately ‘ like reflects like’ will result in the continuity of the unwanted circumstance.
Unconscious Negative mindset + negative situation = repulsion = 0 change
Thinking positive is of course an improvement on what is common practice. Regrettably, challenging situations are typically managed during internal conflict, with emotional reactions such as: fear, anger, intolerance, control, arrogance, inferiority, aggression, desperation, denial, avoidance, annihilation, depression etc. All emotional reactions are negative by nature, thus, a disastrous combination for handling conflict is through employing equivalent polarities, which from a transformative standpoint, offers no more than a massive dose of stress, and no matter how strong the reaction, the result will still be zero!
Negative situation + negative reaction = 0 change
Exploring these combinations, it would appear we are powerless to change any unwelcomed aspect of our lives. This of course is true if, the equation is applied only partially, because the confusion that surrounds the law of attraction appears to be one of incompleteness.
What appears to sabotage most people’s success, is the oscillating swing from one polarity to the other without ever reaching a state of equilibrium, thus barring the door to a more satisfactory life. Knowing the door is there is not enough to pass the threshold, first the key must be inserted. What awaits beyond the door is Life – our life, and the first step to entering its realm is through achieving the third and final element of the basis of the forces of attraction and repulsion, which is balance.
Natures winning formula
Pre-Christian fertility rites were associated with the Goddess. Pagan and shamanic religions were well aware of Mother Nature’s winning formula, which is, and has always been based upon a simple truth:
The creativity of Life is perpetuated through the feminine.
We can observe how this natural law has been overturned both through mental and linguistic gender predominance association, universally expressed as Man and Women, never as Woman and Man, unless occasionally presented as “ Ladies and Gentlemen”, an idiomatic expression – which in this case is used to address personally a mixed gender audience (interestingly applied in a creative theatrical ambience.) Reverting to natures natural sequence, the natural energy flow of Mother Nature’s winning formula is now available:
Negative (female) + Positive (male) = Creativity/new life/balance
The Gratitude Dairy
This formula can be found in a simple exercise called: ‘The Gratitude Diary’, an energetic model that has recognized, metaphorically speaking, the power of applying the correct key to the door of the life we deserve. Its effectiveness is based upon the heart centers capability to balance everything, embracing what is, as one. Devoid of any dualistic moralism (right or wrong), because totality is the only reality that exists within its realms, the starting point of the exercise is neither: judging, alienating, justifying, excusing, projecting, repressing or denying uncomfortable feelings, neither pretending to accept the problem with false perbenismo, but rather acknowledging honestly any negative emotions and thoughts however terrible, inappropriate, aggressive or infantile they may appear, how? By honestly and humbly admitting to ourselves they exist.
Step 1 of the Gratitude diary
- Regarding this problem, yes, it is true I admit I cannot accept and I feel…i.e. fear, pain, sadness, rage, depression, anxiety, being impotent, a victim, responsible, shame, guilt etc.
- Regarding this problem, yes, it is true, I admit I have been…i.e. unreasonable, intolerant, unkind, impatient, arrogant, aggressive, invasive, superior, evasive, secretive, dishonest etc.
- Regarding this person, yes it is true, I admit I don’t like them, I hate them, am afraid of them, wish they would go away etc.
After acknowledging with honesty feelings and emotions surrounding the negative predicament, the next step is to add positive energy to the equation, which in this case is the quality of Gratitude.
The gift of the shadow
The third subtle body is contemporarily modern man’s strength and weakness.
In the ever changing era of technology, both sex genders compete in a materialistic world, where women especially, are relentlessly fighting for equality, equal pay and the right to possess their own personal power.
In this tug of war, both women and men push for recognition while starring in a production of their own Shakespearean tragedy, hiding behind the various masks of the virtuous saint and the immoral sinner, in a self-destructive play for what is already ours – the right to equal respect despite our obvious, and very necessary differences. Respect starts at home, if we feel the need to compete for respect, somewhere in our system lies a belief that we must either earn it, or win it – refraining to do either is the first step towards self-respect which will, as a result influence those around us.
This is the challenge of the third subtle body and its corresponding chakra – rising above the oscillating need to uphold exclusively what society approves, authorizes and tolerates as worthy of acceptance: devaluing and judging anything that questions or threatens its status quo (in breath), or failing miserably and falling victim to our own shadow (out breath).
Attempting to keep the shadow chained up in the basement is risky business, separation only sustains conflict and nourishes it simply through denying it space. Because in the most inopportune moments it will escape, creating havoc, sabotaging relationships, destroying dreams and worst of all – deplorably presenting a self-image we so desperately wish to hide.
Darkness cannot be neutralized by darkness: repression, denial, projection and judgment will only fuel its furnaces, this does not signify condoning or wallowing in self-indulgence and questionable impulses. Mankind has been struggling with the shadow for centuries, all religions have declared war until the end of days, the only individuals to have won the war against the shadow, so to speak, have not fought it, but transcended it.
Living in a society without becoming a product of the society
Experimenting authentic personal power while moving within the shadow is not easy. Without conscious awareness, the energy in the third subtle body and its corresponding chakra will always reinforce fear, insecurity, power conflicts and moral judgment, with all the implications and consequences that we see and hear about every day on the news.
Our collective unconscious is a massive shadow that we submit to the moment we wake up in the morning. Every communication channel, from the traditional newspaper to the various worldwide social networks, all broadcast images and updates of yet another tragic, negative state of affairs separating the people of the world into opposing adversaries: people verses governments, victims verses perpetrators, good versus evil.
Contrary to what we may believe, existence does not require we commit to eradicating the shadow – it is a futile pledge, because life, deprived of dualism is unsustainable. The shadow is rightfully omnipresent, it only becomes a powerful weapon of evil the moment in which we animate it through dualism and moral judgment: in order to reinforce our own feelings of righteous worth. Similar to a supermarket product: washed, cut, packaged and ready for purchase, our challenge is to live in an imperfect society without becoming influenced by it, The quantum leap from the head to the heart is transcending this kind of ‘social habit’, it is a radical change of perspective – and the first step is turning off the television!
Balancing the opposing breath in the third subtle body regulates the impulse to judge, thus, the ‘righteous’ authoritative characteristics are substituted with a more balanced ‘in’ breath, a dynamic energy that expands outwards towards embracing the joys of life. Free and uninhibited from the moral shackles that previously enslaved us, our authentic ‘Personal Power’ shines like a beacon, a potent, magnetic, attraction emanating from within, drawing positive people, situations and opportunities into our sphere. The destructive ‘immoral’ shadow then transforms into a more relaxed, but resilient ‘out ‘breath, a receptive energy that acknowledges human imperfection, yielding and surrendering honestly and courageously to the shadows misgivings and once unacceptable behaviors, because nobody’s perfect!
This process is possible only when the heart center is consulted and included. The heart is the lifesaving force that keeps us safe and vigil from falling prey to our own self-induced webs and traps of: self-pity, victimization, auto-recriminations, self-defense, moral judgments and justifications. In the ‘present mode’ of the metaphysical heart center, these misgivings are replaced with honest vulnerability for our own heart felt truth, however uncomfortable and deceptively unacceptable they may appear.
Awareness is what makes the difference, the journey towards balancing the third subtle body and its corresponding chakra will not be lacking in feelings such as fear, but it will be absent of shame and guilt, because only then are our positive qualities perceived and acknowledge as innumerous fireflies hovering delicately and vulnerably in the shadows of our most deepest dungeon.
On a cloudless night, the night-time sky hosts an endless array of twinkling stars. The profound darkness and vastness of space, enhances the light reflected and projected, producing a spectacular scenario for all on earth to see. That very same sky, at the break of a cloudless dawn, transforms its celestial masterpiece into a cloak of azure blue, where the stars, now unperceivable to the naked eye, are concealed and ironically obscured by the light of the sun.
Our own star (true self) is not totally perceivable in the light of day, or rather, on the surface of our being. Just like the stars at night, our totality shines only in the profound darkness of our inner self. This can be evaluated through noticing how during moments of positive wellbeing, including the shadow, or rather, admitting to owning a more ominous side to ourselves is tolerable, the shadow is therefore included in the light:
Light (positive) + Shadow (negative) = light includes shadow = duality, day/night
As soon as the shadow become predominate, we seem to be sucked down into the depths of our own misery unable to find our own light, in this state of being there is no inclusion because the shadow is unable to include any form of light.
Authentic being and transformation happens when we are able to see the stars at night, which represent our numerous essential qualities while venturing into the unknown of our own obscurity. Consequently, a new facet of our self is consciously born, not because the light eradicates, cancels or conquers the inner darkness, just as sunlight substitutes the night sky, light can infuse and include darkness, but as our starry night sky demonstrates so magnificently – only darkness can contain and sustain light.
The Shadow (negative/uterus) + light (positive/seed) = Shadow contains the light = totality/birth
The shadow therefore, is a vessel, through unawareness it remains an alienated, incomplete, unacceptable and often frightening aspect of human unconsciousness, whilst acknowledged and emptied of dualism, it is a fertile uterus ready to be impregnated by the seed of creativity – light.
Comparable to any encounter between a female and a male, the fruit of the creative force is born from their union and not from their separation, as such, the heart centers non-judgment of the Shadow, is the most powerfully creative instrument of human spiritual evolution. It is a transformative paradox, a spiritual child born unto ourselves, not a competitive play between light and darkness, for now the shadow, resembling the night sky, is the space that contains and embraces billions and trillions of twinkling little stars.
The normal waking conscious, defined as: “ A state of consciousness associated with being awake and aware of the thoughts, feelings and sensations experienced from the outside world” may give us the impression of being in the present here and now, but we may not be aware of the difference between conscious or unconscious thoughts, memories, feelings and sensations triggered from the outside world that attract painful memories echoing from the past. The waking conscious occupies much less space in our system than does the unconscious mind – a vast ocean of unchartered territory containing unquantifiable information that, without conscious awareness, is rarely recognizable to the waking conscious, although it has a pronounced influence on human behavior.
The process of ‘ like attracts like’, intended to stimulate Positive Thinking for a Positive life, is definitely a step in the right direction and although recommendable, it is not a ‘quick fix’, and being always positive can be exhausting!